Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Partial List of Celebs I Stalk

I should really make an effort to come up with something to write once a day. I'm going to give it the old college try.

I watched Eagle Eye last night. At first I only started watching it because Shia Labeouf was in it, turns out it was a really good movie.

I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that *I* thought he was cute when he was in the Disney TV series "Even Stevens". Back then I was a nanny and the kids I babysat watched the show. I remember thinking that he would grow up to be a good looking adult, and MAN was I right! I never let it slip though, I could have gone to jail... but now that he's in his 20's it's okay for me to say such things. Now I'd be known as a cradle robber and not so much a sick pedophile, which of course is much better.

Also in the movie is one of my favorites, Billy Bob. I like older men, but I'd have to be older than I am now in order to stalk him. No more than 20 years older than me is acceptable. Billy Bob is a little younger than my parents, that would make for some awkward holidays. He and my dad could sit around and reminisce about the 60's. Maybe they went to Woodstock together.

RDJ is still in my grasp but he had to go and get married. I think I liked him better as a druggie anyway and not so into health food and vitamins (Yuck!). Of course if he were to get a divorce and come knocking on my door, I'd eat that crap and take those pills with a smile on my face.

Then there is Anthony LaPaglia. He's too old for me too, which make me sad. It also makes me happy in a way. Sometimes he makes a face or the camera is at a certain angle and he looks like an Italian version of an Irish guy I dated once. It's kind of creepy. On the topic of "Without a Trace", I'm also a big fan of Enrique Murciano. He is perfectly in my age range specifications. Just throwing that out there, Enrique, in case you ever read this. According to he can change a flat tire in 1 minute and 19 seconds. This would certainly come in handy considering the way I drive. Again, just putting it out there.

Well there you have it, whoever "you" may be... probably talking to myself. The partial list of celebs I stalk. Just in case anyone is reading too into that word, I mean cyber stalk, I don't actually show up at anyone's house. Although... that could be arranged if any of the said celebrities were interested.

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